In the nearby premises nowadays occupied by the Professional Institute “Chino Chini”, once a charitable institution, a beautiful panel of painted majolica tiles portraying the Holy Family is preserved. La composition is framed by a series of small tiles with geometrical bi-chromatic motifs.
The work was placed on the altar of the chapel of the hospice, dedicated to St. Camillo de’ Lellis in 1903. As it is possible to observe, even from a photograph taken by the lawyer Ungania in the first years of the century, The Holy Family was crowned by a small triangular tympanum in Renaissance fashion and put beside a painting of Galileo Chini.
The panel, deprived of the tympanum and the painted parts, is of remarkable importance not only for the artistic quality, but also because it constitutes one of the first verified presences of the activity of the Furnaces.
Itinerario Liberty - Planning and Realization - Stefano Pelosi -